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Musica. Keren Ann, la title track di ‘101’- Keren Ann, the title track of ‘101’.

1 Maggio 2012

(Scroll down for the English translation)

La title track ‘101’ è stata ispirata da un viaggio in ascensore compiuto da Keren Ann in un palazzo storico a Taipei.
Keren conta i piani dell’edificio e li associa ad una immagine storica, personale o dal significato religioso: 95 tesi, 79 episodi di Star Trek, 46 cromosomi umani, 26 miglia, 12 tribù di Israele. Il numero 101 è stato scelto da Keren Ann perché, oltre a costituire l’equivalente numerico del proprio nome in ebraico, ricorda anche la famosa Route 101, in California. Come è noto, inoltre, 101 è il numero che si deve comporre a Tel Aviv per chiamare la Crocerossa.
In merito all’Antico Testamento dice Keren Ann: ”Se te ne procuri una buona traduzione è un vero e proprio film noir…una gran parte della mia formazione è consistita nel trasformare qualcosa di aspro e crudele in bellezza‘.
The title track of “101” was, in fact, inspired by an elevator ride she took in a 101-story building in Taipei. In the song she counts down the floors, assigning to each one a historical, personal or religious image: 95 theses, 79 “Star Trek” episodes, 46 human chromosomes, 26 miles, 12 tribes of Israel. She found other connections to 101: it’s the rough numerical equivalent of her initials in Hebrew, the name of a favorite highway (California’s Route 101) and the number to call for an ambulance in Tel Aviv.
The Old Testament, if you get a good translation, is a complete film noir. . . . Big part of my education is making something cruel and rough become beautiful.”

L’intervista che citiamo è tratta da questa, più corposa e lunga, rilasciata al New York Times:


101 floors
100 days to abundance
99 percent
98 minutes
96 men in uniform
95 theses
94 pages
93 million miles away
92 johnson solids
91 space wings
90 stable isotopes
89 bullets
88 constellations
87 acres
86 Fahrenheit degrees
85 kilometers of paved roads
84 millimeters
83 writers called Nancy
82 bars
81 poems
80 shilling ale
79 star trek episodes
78 revolutions per minute
77 developing nations
76 trombones
75 sperms
74 guns
73 lunar eclipses
72 virgins
71 solar ecplipses
70 souls in the house of jacob
69 lies
68 beats per minute
67 counties
66 verses
65 notorious crimes
64 positions
63 years since Independence
62 destroyers
61 kings
60 seconds
59 cents
58 round trips
57 channels
56 members
55 weeks
54 edges
53 first pilots
52 white keys
51 jeans
50 gates of impurity
49 nights of meditation
48 pairs of shoes
47 wives
46 human chromosomes
45 samurais
44 candels
43 journeys
42 lettered names
41 rounds
40 years of probation
39 lashes before Crucifixion
38 slots
37 years since birth
36 hours
35 soldiers
34 horses
33 recorded miracles
32 paths of wisdom
31 equal frequency ratios
30 Celsius degrees
29 years to orbit the sun
28 grams
27 amendments
26 miles
25 frames per second
24 carats
23 feet below sea level
22 guitars
21 cannon shots
20 years between capture and destruction
19 holes
18 promises
17 unsent letters
16 kingdoms
15 minutes of fame
14 months of morphine
13 attributes of mercy
12 tribes of Israel
11 stars of Joseph
10 commandments
9 moons of Jupiter
8 individual resurrections
7 days of creation
6 sections of repetition
5 books of Moses
4 mothers
3 fathers
2 tablets of stone
1 God.

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